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Psychological support for
Fibromyalgia sufferers

“Pain diminishes us, but it is important to remember, in the midst of pain and everything that

pain takes from you,that still... You are enough. And you have enough!”

 Psychological support for people with fibromyalgia is essential, since the disease is directly related to emotional factors. Fibromyalgia (FM) is characterized by widespread pain and comorbidities such as fatigue and depression. And acceptance-based behavioral psychotherapy interventions are among the most effective treatments for fibromyalgia.

Emerging as a promising approach, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is already being considered an ally in psychotherapeutic support for this disorder.
Psychological support for people with fibromyalgia within "ACT" focuses on developing a new and compassionate relationship with painful thoughts or feelings, increasing the patient's ability to act in accordance with personal values even in the presence of pain and anguish (or i.e. psychological flexibility)

Hand holding fibromyalgia symbol
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