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Specialized Divorce Therapy

No one enters a relationship thinking they will get divorced or separated. And unfortunately, when divorce occurs, it can be devastating for those involved. Therapeutic counseling could be crucial at this time for spouses to balance their mental health and go through this process in a healthy way.

Divorce is not traumatizing in itself,

the trauma comes from the way you divorce.


  • Pre-Divorce Support: Are you thinking about getting divorced but haven't made that decision yet? In therapy, you will be able to better understand your conflicts and emotions; work on negative feelings such as resentment or revenge (which may turn against you during the hearings). When you are emotionally ready for divorce and make this decision rationally, it will be easier for you to act maturely and take a collaborative stance. And you benefit from this not only during the divorce process, but also after it, as your return will be more emotionally stable.

  • Follow-up during Divorce: Going through a divorce can be challenging, but therapy can provide support and help you navigate the challenges. You'll have a safe space to process emotions, gain new perspectives, improve communication, manage stress, find support, and make better decisions. Therapy can be a valuable resource during this difficult time. Therapeutic support can also help with parental issues related to divorce (e.g. how to tell your children about your divorce or custody).

  • Post-Divorce Follow-up:  Feelings of inadequacy and abandonment often arise, especially when the relationship was codependent. Both parties face major changes and new responsibilities. Post-divorce therapeutic support is for those who have finalized their divorce and are now having to make decisions for their future; and the first step is important to recognize the feelings of loss and grief associated with divorce. Keeping an open mind increases the dialogue you may need to restore your mental and emotional well-being.

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